
Calculate your savings

Use our savings calculator below to estimate your return on investment with CreditorWatch Collect.


Your estimated return on investment with CreditorWatch Collect

Year 1 savings Year 1 savings represents the total amount saved in your first year using CreditorWatch Collect from your Productivity Savings and Debtor Days savings


Monthly cost of delay The Monthly Cost of Delay represents the amount of savings you are missing out on each month by not using CreditorWatch Collect.


Working Capital Savings Working Capital Savings represents the amount of cash you will free up based on your Debtor Days reduction. It is calculated based on the average revenue per day multiplied by the number of days you have reduced your Debtor Days.


Productivity Savings Productivity Savings represents the amount you save in employee labour costs due due to automation and by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your team's activities. It's based on the collective employee costs multiplied by the target productivity increase percentage.


Reduced Debtor Days Savings Debtor Days savings represents the amount you save by freeing up cash through your reduction in Debtor Days versus if you had to go out and borrow or raise that same amount. It is calculated based on the number of days you have reduced your Debtor Days multiplied by the average cash freed up per day multiplied by the cost of capital.


Estimated Debtor Days

CW Collect – ROI Calculator was last modified: December 13th, 2023 by matt
CreditorWatch Collect