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How does it work?
Log into CreditorWatch Collect, select the customers you want us to call, then move them to Call. From the Call console you can monitor progress, see call notes and stay in the loop at every step.
Who makes the calls?
Calls are made by our New Zealand-based calling team.
What do we say?
All calls are polite, friendly and made as if we’re part of your credit control team. Taking this approach makes it feel more like a customer service call rather than a collection call.
Are the calls recorded?
Yes, all calls are recorded. We can send you recordings upon request.
How many calls do we make?
Typically only one phone call is required. We’ll call again 7 days later if the invoice (or account) has still not been paid as promised. After two calls the account is assigned back to you for further instruction.
What counts as a phone call?
The phone call must be connected to your customer (or their voicemail) in order to consume a phone call credit.
Do you leave voicemails?
Yes. We’ll leave a voicemail after three unsuccessful attempts to speak to your customer.
What if an invoice is disputed?
We’ll log notes in the call history with details of the dispute and assign back to you for further instruction.